What Country Recycles The Most Plastic

The Countries Recycling The Most Plastic

Plastic waste is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. As countries around the world struggle to tackle plastic pollution, which country recycles the most plastic? 

The Countries With The Highest Plastic Recycling Rate

South Korea and Germany have the highest recycling rates in the world. In 2018, South Korea recycled over 80% of all plastic waste generated in the country. This puts them at the top of the list of countries with the highest recycling rate for plastic waste.

How They Achieve High Recycling Rates

Germany also has a comprehensive waste management system and uses a “green dot” system to encourage the recycling of plastic bottles and other single-use plastics. The system requires producers and retailers to place a green dot on packaging, indicating that it is recyclable. This encourages consumers to separate their waste and recycle as much as possible.  South Korea also has a strong waste collection system that efficiently collects waste from households and businesses. This helps to ensure that plastic waste is recycled instead of ending up in landfills or the environment.  The high rate of recycling in South Korea has had a positive impact on the country’s carbon emission rate. By reducing the amount of plastic waste that is being sent to landfills and incinerators, South Korea has been able to significantly reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. 

Their Success In Recycling Plastic

South Korea and Germany’s success in recycling plastic waste is an example for other countries to follow. As more countries adopt similar waste management systems and encourage the recycling of plastic waste, the world will be able to reduce its overall plastic pollution. In addition to reducing plastic waste, countries should also focus on reducing the amount of plastic being produced in the first place. This can be done through the use of reusable containers and bags, reducing single-use plastics, and investing in green technologies.  Overall, these countries are setting an example for other countries in the world when it comes to recycling plastic waste. With comprehensive waste management systems and strong waste collections, they have managed to achieve the highest recycling rates in the world. If other countries follow, the world can significantly reduce its plastic waste and carbon dioxide emissions.

Recycle Your Plastic Waste With Us

If you are a UK business looking to increase your plastic recycling rates, get in touch with our team. We collect and recycle most types of plastic, allowing you to repurpose waste into new materials. This will divert waste from landfill, cut toxic emissions and push for a more sustainable country.

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